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Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

miyabi at Jakarta (Exclusive Photos)

Sarapan Miyabi

pose dulu ahh sama kuda !

shooting sama tukang delman

Seneng bangeet si miyabi

wahh kok make up nya pada serem-serem ya ? jangan-jangan film :horor movie ?

Bersama Kru FIlm

diatas motor pak polisi (:

eaaaa.. lagi shooting

Wahhh betawi banget nih film (:

entah miyabi wanna be atau tidak … kita tinggal tunggu filmnya launching saja (:

olga syahputra ngatain iwan falls gembel dan menghina timnas indonesia

mungkin sebelumnya pernah di post
Gan pada nonton "Online" gak? td klanting sebagai bintang tamu di tanya oleh olga, "impian apa yg blm tercapai?". Dan klanting menjawab,"bertemu dengan Iwan Fals". Lalu si Olga tertawa dan mengatakan, "hahahaha..ketemu dengan sesepuhnya gembel" yang ane heran kenapa orang macem gini masih bertahan sih di dunia entertaint,sedangkan budi anduk yg ngelawak gak pernah kasar dan menghina malah gak pernah keliatan lagi di dunia entertain,produser2 pada buta kali pake orang sampah macem olga.

bukan itu saja olga pernah menghina waljinah,menghina igor saikoji,serta grup band five minute,mr tarno yg sulapnya dibongkar sama si maho serta didorong sampe jatoh,serta dia menjelekin timnas indo saat kalah lawan uruguay,pantes aja banyak artis lain yg benci sama dia bahkan sahabatnya sendiri indra bekti dan ruben serta sule gak suka sama kelakuan nih orang,terbukti hanya olga yg gak diundang di acara pernikahan indra bekti padahal artis2 yg lain diundang semua.

BudiAnduks is offline  

Adegan Mesum Mahasiswa ITENAS KEmbali Menggoyang

Adegan Mesum Mahasiswa ITENAS KEmbali Menggoyang

Foto Adegan Mesum MAHASISWA ITENAS Kembali bergoyang, dapet foto colongan dari forum yang bikin MUPENG abiz, Adegan mesum itu dilakukan disebuah hotel. Sepasang kekasih yang sama-sama mahasiswa dan mahasiswi ITENAS ini begitu menikmati hubungan badan seperti di gambar di bawah ini. yang full nya bisa di download gratis klik disini

Lima Skandal Seks Terbesar Bintang Asia

Skandal seks selalu menjadi pemberitaan 'panas'. Apalagi jika pelakunya adalah figur publik yang cukup dikenal. Kasus penyebaran video seks selebriti atau orang terkenal bisa dipastikan menjadi kasus besar. Apalagi jika terjadi di negara-negara Asia yang menganut adat ketimuran dan cenderung konservatif.

Tak hanya skandal video syur Cut Tari dengan seorang pria yang diduga Ariel yang lama menjadi perbincangan 'panas', berikut ini lima kasus lainnya tentang penyebaran video dan gambar vulgar di berbagai negara di asia.

5. Taiwan
Pelaku : Chu Mei-feng, Wanita Politisi Taiwan

Kasus: Pada 2001, teman Chu Mei-feng yang cemburu padanya, Kuo Yu-ling, memasang kamera lubang jarum di kamar tidur Chu. Dalam kamera tersebut terekam adegan vulgar Chu dengan kekasihnya yang sudah menikah, Tseng Chung-ming. Ling kemudian menyebarkannya di media. VCD berisi rekaman adegan tersebut pun beredar secara cepat.

Penyelesaian: Chu mengundurkan diri sebagai Kepala Departeman Budaya Kota Hsinchu, dan mengumumkan bahwa ia akan keluar dari kehidupan publik. Dia kemudian berpikir lebih baik dan menuangkan pengalamannya dalam bentuk buku biografi dan muncul dalam pementasan konser di Singapura pada 2002.

Dia sekarang menjadi pembawa acara di Macau Asia Satellite Television. Mantan sahabatnya, Ling, dihukum empat tahun karena melanggar undang-undang privasi, merusak moralitas publik, serta pencurian dan pemalsuan.

4. Hong Kong
Pelaku : Artis hip-hop, Edison Chen

Kasus: Pada 2008, beredar 1.300 foto vulgar Chen dengan setidaknya enam selebriti di internet. Antara lain, penyanyi, Gillian Chung; bintang film, Cecilia Cheung; model, Bobo Chan; dan kekasihnya, Vincy Yeung. Hal itu terjadi setelah ia membawa hard disk ke tempat perbaikan komputer.

Penyelesaian : Chen, diburu oleh polisi Hong Kong dan menjadi bulan-bulanan media. Ia melarikan diri ke Amerika Serikat dan mengumumkan bahwa akan menempatkan kariernya di dunia hiburan terus 'tanpa batas'.

Beberapa waktu kemudian ia kembali ke Hong Kong dan membintangi film 'The Sniper'. Ia pun kembali menjadi berita ketika melakukan wawancara ekslusif dengan CNN.

3. Vietnam
Pelaku : Bintang remaja, Hoang Thuy Linh

Kasus : Sebuah video dengan gambar sedikit blur, memperlihatkan Thuy Linh, 19 tahun, sedang melakukan hubungan seksual dengan mantan pacarnya. Video yang beredar pada 2007 itu, sangat mengejutkan para penggemarnya, bahkan seluruh negara, karena Vietnam termasuk negara yang sangat konservatif. Kasus tersebut bisa dikatakan 'skandal seks' terbesar dalam sejarah Vietnam.

Penyelesaian : Kritik dan kecaman terus ditujukan pada Hoang Thuy Linh. Linh pun meminta maaf kepada publik Vietnam di televisi. "Aku membuat kesalahan, kesalahan yang sangat besar. Aku meminta maaf kepada semuanya, orangtua, guru, dan teman-teman," kata Linh, seperti dikutip dari cnngo.com.

Tetapi, skandal itu tidak membuat karirnya hancur. Justru ia membuat citra buruknya menjadi kesempatan dalam berkarier. Ia mengganti citranya dari anak manis menjadi gadis seksi. Saat ini tawaran untuk pagelaran busana, acara televisi, dan iklan pun berdatangan.
Skandal seks selalu menjadi pemberitaan 'panas'. Apalagi jika pelakunya adalah figur publik yang cukup dikenal. Kasus penyebaran video seks selebriti atau orang terkenal bisa dipastikan menjadi kasus besar. Apalagi jika terjadi di negara-negara Asia yang menganut adat ketimuran dan cenderung konservatif.

Tak hanya skandal video syur Cut Tari dengan seorang pria yang diduga Ariel yang lama menjadi perbincangan 'panas', berikut ini lima kasus lainnya tentang penyebaran video dan gambar vulgar di berbagai negara di asia.

2. Filipina
Pelaku : Katrina Halili, aktris yang pernah masuk dalam daftar "FHM Philippines Sexiest Woman" pada 2006 dan 2007.

Kasus : Pada 2008, video seks Halili dan Hayden Kho Jr (seorang dokter yang menjadi model dan aktor) beredar di internet dan dijajakan oleh penjual DVD bajakan. Penyebarannya sangat cepat. Dalam video tersebut juga terlihat Kho dengan wanita lain. Halili mengatakan video tersebut dibuat tanpa sepengetahuannya. Ia pun mengungkap kalau merasa bersalah telah jatuh cinta pada Kho.

Penyelesaian : Adu pendapat pun terjadi. Pihak berwenang melakukan penyelidikan dan Hayden kehilangan lisensi medisnya. Ibu Hayden juga menuduh Halili menggunakan obat-obatan. Halili pun membalas dendam dengan menyampaikan keluhan pada "Professional Regulation Commission" untuk mencabut izin praktek kedokteran Hayden.

Alasan yang diungkapkannya karena melakukan perzinahan serta perbuatan tidak terhormat dan tidak etis. Hayden pun dihentikan izin prakteknya sebagai dokter selama satu tahun oleh Asosiasi Medis Filipina karena dianggap menodai profesi.

1. Jepang
Pelaku : Anya Ayoung-Chee, Miss Trinidad dan Tobago 200, Hiroko Mima, Miss Japan 2008 (spekulasi).

Kasus : Sekandal ini cukup ramai dibahas di media-media Jepang. Sebuah video seks yang berisi tiga orang muncul di internet. Media Jepang berspekulasi bahwa pelakunya adalah kontestan Miss Universe Jepang, Miss "T and T" serta dan fotografer, Wyatt Galery. Tetapi, hanya beberapa saja yang benar dari spekulasi tersebut, yaitu pelakunya bukan Hiroko Mima tetapi memang wajahnya mirip.

Penyelesaian : Galery pun bercerita kepada TMZ secara ekslusif. Ia menduga rekaman itu bocor setelah sebuah toko komputer di Trinidad membawa laptop untuk perbaikan. Dia juga berencana untuk mengadili orang-orang yang terus mendistribusikan video itu, meskipun banyak juga muncul di internet

Miyabi ke Jakarta

Heboh nian ranah Twitter Minggu (24/10) malam. Dari mulut ke mulut, eh, dari satu akun Twitter ke yang lainnya, tersebar kabar bahwa Maria Ozawa alias Miyabi--bintang panas Jepang yang diblokir sebuah ormas, yang karya-karyanya menjadi incaran departemen pimpinan Tifatul Sembiring untuk diblokir--datang ke sebuah tempat di Jakarta!
Bukan sembarang kabar burung biru ala Twitter, tapi disertai juga upaya pembuktian. Awalnya adalah tweet dari sebuah akun terproteksi, yang isinya adalah ekspresi kehebohan bertemu Miyabi di Grand Indonesia, Jakarta. Tweet itu lalu disusul sebuah foto tiga perempuan--salah satunya Miyabi. (Update: Sayang sekali, foto itu tak bisa kami muat lagi di sini atas permintaan pemilik foto.)
Agaknya, tweet dari akun terproteksi itu terlampau berharga untuk tak disebarkan. Maka, minimal salah satu dari pengikut akun terproteksi itu meretweet-nya, melanggar tujuan dibuatnya mode tweet terproteksi oleh Twitter. Apa boleh buat, tersebar luaslah hal itu.
Menelusuri berbagai tweet, agaknya tempat foto Miyabi itu adalah di Social House, sebuah restoran mewah di Grand Indonesia. Restoran itu, melalui akun Twitter, menjawab komentar tentang datangnya Miyabi itu dengan, "Welcome Miyabi! :p"
Nah, ikon emosi di belakang jawaban itu memang bisa multitafsir. Tapi, bila Miyabi memang betul datang ke Jakarta, artinya kebobolanlah ormas yang mengklaim akan mencegat si bintang panas bila datang ke sini.
Seorang pegawai di restoran mewah tadi menuturkan, Miyabi memang datang ke Social House sekitar pukul 16.30, Minggu sore. Rupanya, kedatangannya itu tak diumumkan sebelumnya kepada para pekerja maupun tetamu lainnya. Miyabi datang memenuhi undangan kenalannya, yang tak perlulah identitasnya disebutkan di sini.
Terlepas dari tujuan Miyabi datang ke Jakarta (ia pernah bermain di sebuah film berjudul 'Menculik Miyabi', yang lantas menimbulkan gejolak penolakan sebelum syuting film dimulai), Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Tifatul Sembiring, Senin (25/10), kembali meminta dukungan untuk menggunting pornografi di internet. "Gerakan nasional internet sehat dan aman, termasuk dari pornografi, mohon didukung. Jangan diledek," kata Tifatul. Ia menambahkan, "Kami melarang, malah artisnya didatangkan..."

Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Jenglot Ditemukan di Pantai Jimbaran Bali

Warga pantai Labuan Sait Pecatu, Jimbaran, Bali dihebohkan oleh penemuan sepasang makam misterius diantara karang pantai.

Makam tersebut ditemukan pertama kali oleh petugas Bala Wista Labuan Sait Pecatu Jimbaran saat sedang memantau pantai dari atas bukit karang, Jumat 7 Mei 2010. Saat menoleh ke samping kiri, petugas itu curiga dengan gundukan misterius yang ternyata adalah makam.

Setelah makam tersebut digali, warga menemukan tiga buah benda yakni berupa putri duyung rambut panjang berukuran kecil dan dibungkus dengan kain putih dan dua lagi berupa jenglot dengan posisi tidur dan bersila dengan panjang masing-masing sekitar 40 centimeter (cm). Sementara, di sekitar lokasi penemuan makam tercium aroma wangi yang bercampur bau mayat.

Bendesa adat Pecatu, I Wayan Rebong mengatakan penemuan ini merupakan kejadian pertama kali di wilayahnya sehingga akan memusyawarahkan terlebih dahulu dengan warganya jika harus menghanyutkannya ke laut.

”Ini pertama kali di desa kami. Apakah akan dihanyutkan ke laut atau tidak kita musyawarahkan dulu dengan warga. Sementara ini mayat-mayat tersebut kita letakan di tempat penemuannya dan menunggu hasil,” ujarnya.

Penemuan makam misterius ini pun membuat wisatawan yang menikmati liburannya merasa terganggu. (jn)

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

Do You Have A Smoking libido? Or Are You Sleeping With An Inactive Ashtray?

Ok, so maybe you started smoking thinking it looked cool and that it might affect your sex life to look cool, or be grown up or rebellious or whatever.

You are of course totally correct in assuming that smoking affects your sex life. In fact, several recent studies have looked at exactly this question in regard to male impotence and found that there is a link between smoking and difficulties having an erection. Now tell me how cool is that? That is surely far too grown up, that is as grown up as your aged grandfather!

Smoking has been linked to coronary artery blockage, but now we know that arteries in the penis are damaged by smoking, too. In a study of men with penile artery blockage (average age 35), the smokers were significantly more blocked than non-smokers. And the more they smoked, the more their arteries were blocked. Since erections are mainly caused by blood flowing into the penis through arteries, unclogged arteries are very important in enhancing one's sex life.

Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, meaning it tightens blood vessels and restricts blood flow. In the long term, it has even been shown to cause permanent damage to arteries. Since a man's erection depends on blood flow, researchers assumed smoking would affect erections. Studies have confirmed this time and again. In one study published in 1986 in Addiction Behavior, it was shown that just two cigarettes could cause softer erections in male smokers. Results are corroborated by a definitive study published in June 2001 that looked at all studies done on impotent men over the last two decades. The research showed that 40 percent of men affected by impotence were smokers, as opposed to 28 percent of the general male population. Interesting eh?

So what does all this discussion about impotence mean for women? During sexual arousal, the labia, clitoris, and vagina also swell up with blood, similar to a man's penis, enhancing sensation and arousal. If nicotine can restrict blood flow and cause erectile dysfunction in men, it can be assumed that blood flow is restricted in women as well, and may have a negative effect on sensation.

In the British Medical Associations report: "Smoking and Reproductive Life", the report states that Women who smoke take longer to conceive. Among smokers, the chances of conceiving fall by 10 – 40 per cent per cycle. The greater the quantity of cigarettes smoked, the longer a woman is likely to take to achieve pregnancy.

Cigarette smoking can also affect male fertility: smoking reduces the quality of semen. Men who smoke have a lower sperm count than non-smokers, and their semen contains a higher proportion of malformed sperm. By-products of nicotine present in semen of smokers have been found to reduce the mobility of sperm.

Of course, quitting smoking would also eliminate stained teeth, unhealthy skin, rapid accumulation of wrinkles on the face, and clothing, hair, and breath that stink of smoke. That might improve one's sex life. Decreasing your risk of cancer and heart disease - which also do tend to have negative effects on one's sex life - can also be sexy in the long run.

Smokers may have enjoyed a sexy image in the past, but research tells us that they are not "doing it" as often as non-smokers. Studies show that men between 25 and 40 years who smoked one or more packs per day had sex less often than non-smoking men of the same age. Another study suggested that carbon monoxide in the blood caused by smoking inhibits the production of testosterone (a hormone that creates sex drive).

Lastly, smoking affects fertility. Smokers' sperm come in many sizes and shapes - many of them not normal. Some have two tails or two heads, others have giant or tiny heads, and some have split tails. The more a man smokes, the worse the damage. Nicotine essentially poisons the sperm and its ability to fertilize an egg.

Smoking isn't good for your lungs or heart as is very well documented, and it certainly isn't good for your sex life. It is no longer cool. Are you sleeping with an inactive ashtray? Is your libido being smoked away?

in Men's Issues

Rekaman Penganiayaan

TNI Akui Kebenaran Video Papua
Laporan wartawan KOMPAS.com Hindra Liu
Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010 | 12:30 WIB
Cuplikan rekaman penyiksaan yang dialami satu warga Papua yang dituduh sebagai anggota OPM. Video yang disebarluaskan melalui situs Youtube ini dilansir oleh lembaga Asian Human Rights Commission.
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Tentara Nasional Indonesia mengakui kebenaran isi video kekerasan berjudul "Indonesia Military Ill-Treat and Torture Indigenous Papua" yang ditayangkan YouTube sejak Sabtu lalu.
Konfirmasi kebenaran ini disampaikan Menteri Koordinator Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan Djoko Suyanto kepada para wartawan, Jumat (22/10/2010) di Kantor Presiden, Jakarta, setelah diadakan penyelidikan oleh TNI, Kementerian Pertahanan, dan Kemenko Polhukam.
"Ada tindakan prajurit di lapangan yang berlebihan," ujar Djoko, didampingi Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro dan Panglima TNI Laksamana Agus Suhartono.
Ketiganya, dan juga menteri terkait lainnya, dipanggil Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ke Kantor Presiden guna membicarakan soal video yang ditayangkan sejak Sabtu lalu. Djoko mengatakan, berdasarkan laporan awal, korban yang berada di video tersebut diduga adalah pelaku penembakan karyawan perusahaan yang berada di Papua, seperti Freeport Indonesia.
Korban juga diduga pelaku instabilitas keamanan di Papua. Ketika ditanya soal identitas pelaku, Djoko enggan mengatakan. Mantan Panglima TNI ini hanya mengatakan, penyelidikan saat ini terus dilangsungkan.
Saat ini, sudah ada tim khusus yang menyelidiki kasus ini. Sebelumnya, Kamis kemarin, Ketua Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia Ifdhal Kasim mengatakan, video tersebut benar. Diperkirakan, video direkam pada 12 April. Sementara korban kekerasan diduga bernama Kindeman Gire, pendeta sebuah gereja di Desa Hurage. Korban saat ini diperkirakan sudah meninggal.

Syair Hip Hop Ini Mengutuk Indonesia Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010 | 05:14 WIB

Syair Hip Hop Ini Mengutuk Indonesia
Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010 | 05:14 WIB
Potongan ilustrasi dalam video lagu berirama hip-hop yang dengan lantang mengobarkan perlawanan Papua atas kekuasaan Jakarta.
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Aspirasi Papua merdeka tidak pernah mati sama sekali, meski Jakarta coba meredam dengan aneka cara, mulai dari pemberian status otonomi khusus, sampai operasi intelijen yang acap kali diwarnai tindakan kekerasan.
Aspirasi merdeka dari Indonesia itu juga coba dikobarkan melalui lagu beraliran hip hop dengan menyebarkan video lagunya di situs YouTube. Syairnya tegas sekali mengutuk Indonesia.
Inilah potongan syair lagu yang diunggah oleh beberapa akun pengguna YouTube, antara lain, tertanggal 19 Oktober 2009 itu:

Ini tanah Papua
Tanah, tanah Papua
Bukan merah putih
Tapi bintang fajar

Sa, tidak pusing
(XXX -diedit) Indonesia sama saja dengan Pemerintah Belanda
Torang dua mau diam-diam bunuh saya
Buat kekayaan di belakang satu rumah

Bawa menderita
Toh mandi darah
Bikin malu, sa punya orangtua
Sa kembali, harga mati
(XXXXXXXX -diedit) Indonesia nanti angkat kaki

Ini suara merdeka dari bangsa Papua Barat
Mari kita bersatu untuk lawan Indonesia
Lawan orang yang pencuri dan pembunuh
Lawan torang di negeri
Bekerja untuk Papua merdeka

Ini tanah Papua
Tanah, tanah Papua
Torang tidak termasuk dalam Indonesia

Kami, bangsa Papua Barat
Bukan orang Jawa Indonesia!
Do you understand?
Dou begrijp je?

Amerika, Belanda, Indonesia
Kamu dulu jual torang, ya?
15 Augustus 62, ya?
Di New York, he?
Nanti tuh merdeka!
Cepat tu tau!

Free Papua!
Hormat, grak!

A Price-Value Matrix - A Cool Tool for Finding Your Just Right Pricing Strategy

While developing your pricing strategy, it is important to remember that there is an implicit relationship between price and value. We expect to pay more for gourmet food than for fast food and for a luxury car than for an economy model. At the same time, value is a matter of opinion, not fact. I prefer a new Subaru to a '95 Cadillac; my husband prefers the opposite. His wardrobe is built around Dickies; my taste runs to rather more eclectic (and non-synthetic) clothing. Given that there is a relationship between price and value and that value is a matter of opinion, I had always priced my products and services by triangulating three factors: what I wanted or needed to earn, my costs, and what the market would bear. That's what I had taught countless other people to do, and it worked fine. All else being equal, quality, price, and market generally reached a dynamic balance where prosperity and service overlapped.

But, once came the day when something felt out of synch in the way I used that marketing strategy, and I felt some gritchiness around the prices of products I recommended. I kept examining my assumptions, and everything seemed right. Still, the feeling that something wasn't quite right persisted.

Never one to ignore an itch, I kept scratching until this week I realized what the problem is. I had been using quite different "markets" to assess what the market would bear. That is, I'd been looking at markets that had different values from the values of many of the people I attract. I based my pricing strategy and marketing on the proven best practices of other respected "info product" gurus, but those practices were designed to address the values of people who didn't, and probably never would, be attracted to my e-zine.

Readers of my e-zine were a special case. From their emails and phone calls, I knew that they placed a high value on authenticity, intelligence, and creativity. I knew they had high standards for courtesy, honesty, and what I might call "finish." They were tolerant of mistakes (assuming they were acknowledged). They had a sense of humor, a hunger for spirit, and a fundamental commitment to growth. At the same time they tended to be a frugal lot, willing to pay for high quality, but unmoved by hype and positively turned off by pressure tactics.

The generic information marketing model is designed to address the needs of people for whom profit is an over-riding value. These folks -- many of them good souls indeed -- thrive in the hyper-stimulating atmosphere of the motivational circuit: loud, upbeat music, extravagant challenges to dare to be great and simple formulas for achieving success. The more costly the package, the more this customer tends to believe in its value. And I'm willing to suppose that for the right person, that value can be substantial.

But this model didn't fit me and it probably didn't fit my e-zine readers, either. More than likely, they were past believing in "7 Steps to Instant Gratification." They probably didn't believe in easy answers, however much they might sometimes long for them. (Me, too.)

The bottom line is that, in that case, so-called "best practices" just didn't apply. The sophistication, values, and life experience of this community constituted a different market, and we would just have to develop our own best practices.

What would those practices look like? My hunch was:

Transparency: No fake sales; any specials should be clearly linked to a business purpose, and the regular retail price should always be fair so if you miss a sale you can feel good about buying at another time for full price.

-- Clarity: Accurate, no-hype descriptions of products and services.

-- Simplicity: Prices expressed in whole dollar amounts. Forget the "95 cents" gimmicks. We can round up!

-- Trust: Simple returns and exchanges.

I evaluated the marketing and pricing strategy for my products and those of affiliates, keeping asking the questions that gave birth to "Authentic Promotion" in the first place: "What's bugging me about the way I do (or think I have to do) business? What am I assuming? What is the truth of this? What if the truth were not a problem?"

Goldilocks tried three chairs, three bowls of porridge, and three beds before finding the ones that were "just right." In much the same way, your working toward "just right" prices and marketing methods will definitely pay off, as it did for me. I believe this price-value matrix will help you to find your "just right" price!

For example, my client sells a course which is a comprehensive self-guided seminar that transforms fears and resistance to marketing into grounded advocacy for good work. It's a high value, if she does say so herself. Still, it has a medium price because she is still working on way to convey to potential purchasers the potency and efficacy of this course. One way she is doing that is to develop a series of follow up emails that remind buyers of key practices and principles, that ask powerful questions to help them move forward, and that suggest specific sections of the program that solve specific challenges. As she develops this support, she will be able to charge -- and receive -- a higher price.



Underpriced: value undercut by price. "What's wrong with this picture" pricing strategy.


Attractive pricing: ideal for market penetration. "More for your money" pricing strategy.


Premium pricing: prestige, prominence. "Connoisseur" pricing strategy.


True bargain: may be a temporary special to raise revenue or to move discontinued items. "Inventory sale" strategy.


Price and value are in balance, exclusive of other factors. "Square deal" pricing strategy.


Overpriced: informed buyers will stay away; sales may be made to unsophisticated market. "Infomercial" pricing strategy.


Cheap stuff. Often sold with lots of "bonus" items or features. "Tourist trap" pricing strategy.


Turns sales into complaints. "Caveat emptor" pricing strategy. ("Let the buyer beware.")


Don't even think about it: the "Fleece 'em and run" pricing strategy.

in Sales

How to have lasting relationship with clients?

Clients are the most precious assets for a business. Without clients, there can be no business. With poor quality of clients, the business will be poor and if you manage to get very good clients and retain their loyalty, your business will only go up and up. This all sounds very exciting. But it is not easy to get very good clients and all the more difficult to retain them. After all, whatever you do, your competition is trying the same and may use better techniques to get business. Are there any innovative approaches to client relationships?

We are talking about direct sales in this discussion and not about selling merchandise to large consumer base. For example if you are a contractor maintaining air conditioners in clients work places. Or a direct seller of computer hardware to business buyers, and all such businesses where your sales to individual clients are large, and you are in direct contact with clients.

The first need is of course client satisfaction. If the client is satisfied with your response time, after sales service and can depend on you, pricing may become secondary. All clients do not buy from a supplier whose sales at the lowest price. If your product cost is a small percentage of clients total expense or if your product is essential for your clients, you are onto something good. How to retain such clients despite all the competition? What are the other factors than client satisfaction?

Relationship is one such other major factor. Do you relate with your clients only professionally, or are very good friends? Both these extremes can hurt. For a long-term business relationship, good friendship is not good for health of your business. Any problem in the personal friendship will directly affect your business. What if you relate to your clients mechanically in a professional style totally devoid of personal touch? You know the answer yourself.

What is needed is a relationship that does not border on personal friendships, but crosses mechanical approach. A fine balance between personal and professional.

Many Don't Like Victorian Furniture

Can you imagine that many people don't like Victorian furniture? Once it was thought that Victorian furniture was great, but it seems that over the years that idea has changed. But still for some Victorian furniture is something of great value, and many still enjoy having a little piece of Victorian in their home.

Did you know that there are even 3 types of Victorian furniture? Many people probably don't know that. But yes there are different types of Victorian furniture. The first is very large and highly decorated, the second is smaller but still highly decorated, and the third is smaller and is hardly decorated.

But the first type is rarely seen on the market, because they are found in Victorian homes. Even if the home is sold it is likely that the furniture will stay in the home. One reason is that it would be too hard to remove it from the home, as it will be too large and heavy.

The second type is more popular and many people are buying them these days. The furniture is a lot smaller yet it still looks like the first type of Victorian furniture. This way it can fit better in your home and be better to transport. It is also decorated and carved very well like the first type, which appeals to many people.

The third type of Victorian furniture is simpler and less decorated of the other two. Yet it still looks pretty nice and appeals to some people, because it is a lot less expensive then the first two types of Victorian furniture. Good places to look for these are at auctions and antique shops.

So if you really love Victorian Furniture, there is one that can fit your budget. You won't have to compromise the style for a cheaper piece of furniture.

How To Choose The Proper Running Shoe

Choosing the right running shoe can make a all the difference in whether you stay healthy or become injured running and also determine if you will be comfortable or be in pain while running.

Bargain shopping is the numero uno bigtime mistake made by most novice runners. You run out and by the cheapest pair of running shoes you can find. Trust me, you are not going to find a proper running shoe at Walmart!

Thinking cheap will end up making you quit running due to the sheer misery of having bad shoes. Some of those who are more tenacious may wait until they blow out their knee or have major shin splints before they throw in the towel.

With all the choices and high tech shoes available today, choosing the right pair of running shoes for you can be an arduous task at best. But here are some guidelines to help you.

First you need to understand pronation, which is rolling of the foot from heel to toe through the foot strike. A proper or neutral pronation is hitting the outside of the heel and up to ball of your foot evenly across the front. This is how your foot reduces the stress of impact.
Underpronation is not enough evening out so the outside of your foot takes most of the shock instead of finishing in the neutral position.
Overpronation is too much roll across from the outside to the inside of your foot.
To determine your level of pronation, look at your shoes you walk or run in. Most everyone will begin on the outside of the heel, the real indicator would be the wear on the forefoot.
If most of the shoe wear is:
• On the medial (inside) side then you Overpronate
• On the lateral (outside) side then you Underpronate
• Uniform across the forefoot then you have a Neutral Stride

This knowledge will give you the information you know to select the appropriate running shoe for your foot.

Create your own Streaming Audio studio for under $50.00

Creating your own Streaming Audio audio studio has never been easier. There are so many great products around today that will allow you to produce high quality streaming audio for a fraction of the price it used to cost.


The first thing you will need is a compatible computer. Today every new computer is already set up with everything you will need. A basic sound card with a mic and line in jack. If you do not have a sound card they are very cheap and you can get a good one from any standard computer shop.

Next you will need a good mic. These come in all sizes and shapes with different configurations however a general all round mic like the Logitech Noise-canceling microphone is fine for beginners. I suggest you get a desk top one to start with, as you may want to move into video later and so you wont want a headset in your videos.

Of course you could go up a stage and get a preamp with a professional mic but this will start running into dollars and the whole aim of this article is to help you get started.

Next you will want to get some cables to connect up your tape recorder and other audio equipment. Again the computer stores now have packs that will connect up pretty well any device into your computer to digitalise your sound. You want to record directly onto your computer however you can get those old tapes and Vinyl records into a digital format also.


Recording your audio is probably one of the most critical parts of this process and again you can get software that ranges from free to many thousands of dollars. For this exercise I suggest you download the free copy of Audacity. This is an excellent free software package that will allow you to record from your microphone or any equipment you have.

It provides excellent editing capabilities and also will allow you to edit multiple tracks and then combine them into one single track. For a quick overview of how to do this you can watch this video and also download the software



The next piece of software you will need for your studio is a converting program that will allow you to convert different formats. For example you may have a real audio file and you want to convert it to mp3. dBpoweramp is like the Swiss army knife for the audio industry and will convert just about any file to any other file format.

Convert from one format to another, just about every audio type is supported: mp3, mp4, Windows Media Audio (wma), Ogg Vorbis, AAC, Monkeys Audio, FLAC and many others whilst preserving ID Tags. It will also rip CDs for you.



If you are going to stream an mp3 direct then you may want to recompile the file to a smaller format. RazorLame is a so-called "front-end" for use with LAME. LAME is a great MP3-Encoder, it's very fast, it produces high-quality files, has many advanced features (like Variable Bitrates and Joint-Stereo), and it's open source. Unfortunately, it is a command line utility, and that is where RazorLame comes in: It provides an easy-to-use graphical user-interface which makes MP3-encoding even easier!

The best way to use this software is to get one file and compile in a number of different formats to test the size against quality.



There are a few different ways of streaming your new audio files. If you have Macromedia products you can simple organize this your self however there are some great third party programs around that will do it all for you at a fraction of the cost.


This is a simple piece of software that takes any mp3 or wav audio and converts the whole file into a swf file and then attaches a button so that viewers can listen on a web page without needing to download any extra software. This is because the flash plugin is on 98% of computes and if not it will automatically detect and load the small plugin. This is great for anyone not wanting to get into all the technical aspects of streaming audio.

You will not need to reduce your files at all with this program as it does it all for you. This is perfect for anyone wanting to stream one file at a time and wants to do it quickly and efficiently. It will stream even over most modem connections.



For people wanting to stream a number of files then MSIJukebox is a great alternative. This software lets you choose any number of mp3 files and then organises them using an XML file. By using the above free programs you can significantly reduce the size of these files to save on bandwidth.

Because MSIJukebox streams the actual mp3 you can also have a lot higher quality playback including stereo files. This is much better for those wanting to stream a number of very high quality mp3 files.



So there you have it. A complete studio set up for under $100. Just download all the free software and purchase any of the streaming audio products that you want. You can then create, edit and manipulate any audio files you like. You will also be able to add these audios to your website.

With the web surfer becoming much more "web savvy" than they were a year ago, they are expecting not only information but also an entertaining web experience.

Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 8 )

n Time Management

I glanced at my watch, noticing we had less than an hour or so before touch down. Dinner had just been served, but I had no desire for airline food. Not far from the airport is a café-style restaurant where I frequently stop when I travel. I thought I'd stop there on my way home and grab a bite. Seeing Gideon again after all these years had rekindled in me a great curiosity about life. Much had changed since the first time I met him. While on a business trip, his car had broken down in our office parking lot. Since then, our friendship evolved into a student-teacher relationship. The ideas he'd shared continually served to remind me of the unlimited beings we are, if we could only believe.

Since those early days, the population at large had developed a much broader awareness of things unseen. Simultaneously, technology had advanced at such a rapid pace that even in the most remote corners of the world, one could watch the Olympic Games or witness a court- room trial as it occurred.

Countless books about the human spirit were written,causing many bookstores to expand their section devoted to spirituality. The media rediscovered the existence of angels and thus, angels were reborn on the human plane. In some of the most credible media, past lives and future lives were explored until one could meet an army of past- life Caesars, Cleopatras and kings and queens in any programming time slot.

It appeared that a blend of spirit and commerce enriched the bank accounts of many astute entrepreneurs who were quick to grasp the concept that the "poor in spirit" would pay royally to really "see God." Authors, mystics, gurus and group leaders proliferated and brought ideas of a New World employing their newfound methods. Some spoke of a specific number of steps that were necessary for enlightenment. Others pointed out insights that were discovered in faraway lands under mysterious circumstances. And still others, in quiet, humble voices, whispered the cry of the ancient Hebrews, "Hear ye, O Israel, the Lord God is ONE!"

To read the rest of the story visit http://www.spiritual-simplicity.com

Skydiving Training With Accelerated Free Fall

in Extreme

You can learn how to skydive in other ways but the most thrilling is to do it with the AAF (Accelerated Free Fall).

Accelerated Free Fall has first been used as a fast training method since 1982. It's a fast learning process compared to the traditional static line training. With AFF you can get a true image of the modern skydiving.

The ground training of Accelerated Free Fall is more extensive than static line, and that's a good thing since you will be doing a 50 second drop on your first jump. The jump will occur when the aircraft will be at about 10.000 - 12.000 feet, you will be jumping with two other jump masters that will assist you during your fall. They will maintain grip to you from the moment of the jump until you open your parachute. They will assist you to keep stable. You will get to pull the ripcord at about 4000 ft.

The Accelerated Free Fall is a program divided in 7 levels. The 1, 2, and 3 levels require two jump masters to jump with you. On these levels you get to learn about basic safety skills like altitude awareness, body position, stability during free fall and during the pull sequence. The most important skill is the successful ripcord pull. When level three is reached you get to free fall for your own for the first time.

The rest of the levels, 4, 5, 6 and 7 will require only one free fall jump master, meaning less money, and teach your skills like turning, forward movement and docking with other people. You will also learn about frontloops, baclloops and "superman" exit from the plane among many other.

With Accelerated Free Fall, you move on from level to level on each jump if the objectives have been completed. The required training is of about 45 minutes.

After level 7, the level is entering what is called "Level 8". At this skill the student gets to practice and improve the skill until they reach 20 free falls, qualifying for the A skydiver license.

Subliminal Messages & The CIA

in Success

In 1957 the world was awakened to the frightening possibility that our minds could be manipulated. In a simple experiment, by James Vicary, involving popcorn, coke and a cinema audience, we were lead to believe sales were increased through the use of subliminal messages. Although the experiment was "unsubstantiated" and it has never been replicated successfully, the belief that subliminal messages can affect our behaviour lingers on in the public mindset. It sent fear through the civilized world.

In Washington, D.C., legislators headed by William Dawson, began a campaign to ban the use of subliminal messages in television and radio. He warned that if subliminal messages were put to political propaganda purposes they could serve and maintain a totalitarian government.

Although there was no real evidence to substantiate this claim the public outcry was deafening. Even then, as today, many scientists had serious reservations about the effectiveness of such techniques - they just didn't believe they worked. The greatest majority of opinion within the scientific and governmental communities was that subliminal persuasion does not work. However, the public wanted them banned!

Could that be the reason why the USA, British and Australian Governments banned their use on television? Or is it possible that somewhere along the line some other people found that by using subliminal messages it really is possible to affect people's behaviour?

These messages, being subliminal (presented just below the threshold of conscious awareness), intrigued a very powerful group not long after the Vicary experiment. The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), have always been involved in the development and research of mind altering drugs and therapies. So it should come as no surprise to you to find out they invested a lot of resources and manpower into studying the subject of subliminal persuasion.

In classified documents, that were released under The Freedom Of Information Act, it can seen just how involved the CIA has been in researching the effectiveness of subliminal messages.

So what did they find out?

Well, under pressure from journalists and Congressional Investigators, the CIA have released a variety of documents including previous year's copies of their journal titled "Studies in Intelligence". In one such Journal, dated 1958, the CIA reported their initial investigations into subliminal persuasion. The report was scarily called "The Operational Potential of Subliminal Perception".

It should be noted that this was just one year after the Vicary experiment. The best available evidence is the surviving documentation on the CIA's research programs.

In a book written by Martin A. Lee, an unnamed former CIA agent said that some thought had been given to whether they could affect a political outcome by using subliminal messages on television and radio. In a declassified document, from January 17th 1958, the CIA stated that in their subliminal projection it might be possible to include a subliminal message such as 'Obey' and added that subliminal messages achieved some success in commercial advertisements!

No-one knows if the CIA ever finished their investigations into subliminal technology or if it continues to this day. However, its use as a self improvement tool is growing every year. So, there must be something in it. Isn't it time to tried one?

The Current Status of World Hunger

in Sociology

Where does starvation exist in the world today? What are some of the causes of world hunger? Are citizens of developed countries donating monetarily to the ongoing relief efforts? In this article I will address these questions with the hope that by creating an understanding of the current world hunger situation, morally conscious individuals will do their part in contributing to the eradication of this unseen suffering.

It is a well known fact that there is enough food in the world to feed every human being on earth. Sadly, malnutrition and hunger still afflict one out of every seven people in the world today. Or, from a slightly different statistical perspective, the current world population is 4,712,200,000. The number of malnourished is 797,900,000. Therefore 17% of the world population is currently malnourished or starving. No matter how you examine the issue, a current crisis is at hand. Why is this so?

The causes of starvation are complex, but there are some common threads that seem to be associated with this problem. First and foremost, starvation is caused by poverty. To address the problem of world hunger then the problem of global poverty must be addressed. Therefore, the question that we should examine is what are the causes of poverty. A thorough discussion on the causes of global poverty is outside the purview of this article. Entire textbooks have been written on the subject. For our discussion, it is suffice to say that one of the major causes of poverty is governments pursuing policies that inhibit self sufficiency.

Areas of starvation are also characterized by persistent problems in cultivating food from lack of seed, arable land, and tools. Those that can grow food, must deal with insects, drought, floods, and war, which can result in complete destruction of crops. Historically, areas of Africa have experienced periodic locusts infestations, which can completely destroy crops.

Other causes of world hunger are related to the globalize system of food production. The globalize system of food production and trade favors a reliance on export crops while discriminating against small-scale farmers and subsistence crops. Many third world countries export out to much food while concomitantly not keeping enough food to sustain their own people.

AIDS is a significant cause of hunger. In societies affected by AIDS, famine is more deadly and difficult to combat. Why is this so? AIDS attacks the most productive individuals within society. Fewer productive people within society means fewer individuals to work the jobs that involve food production. This is one contributor to the starvation currently taking place in Africa.

Weather plays a major role in terms of the prevalence of starvation. Areas of drought leads to non-useable land with subsequent famine. This is well known. But less well known is that floods can also lead to starvation. Crops can be flooded and therefore destroyed, which in essence produces the same result as drought. In both cases, weather can produce a complete lack of self sufficiency.

Military conflicts, both internal and between neighboring countries, can lead to starvation. These conflicts can result in destruction of crops. Government money is directed at funding the conflict at the expense of the starving people. Funds are diverted from social and economic development. Military conflicts can also result in the displacement of large groups of people, removing them from their farms and their way of life. People can end up in refugee camps, completely dependent on relief aid.

The causative factors of world hunger are numerous, and certain factors change from year to year, therefore at any given time, some areas may be more prone then others. The extent of drought, flood, internal conflicts, and war with neighboring countries can vary over time. Therefore, these factors incorporate a variable affect on the degree to which inhabitants of susceptible countries suffer from starvation.

A combination of these causative factors in a particular region is a formula for disaster. When this occurs, large scale starvation can take place. A case in point. The Horn of Africa has seen severe drought coupled with internal conflicts. This is leading to the development of a tragedy. In this region currently 11 million people are on the brink of starvation.

Historically, certain areas of the world have had a high prevalence of hunger and starvation. These areas are the central region of South America, large areas of East, Central, and Southern Africa, and regions of South Asia. As of 2006, the current hot spots, those areas which are suffering the greatest degree of starvation, are as follows:

This area in central Africa has been struggling to cope with the devastating impact of drought and locusts infestations.

In this region extreme poverty has been further exacerbated by a political crisis, floods, tropical storms, and hurricanes.

Horn of Africa:
An estimated 11 million people in the Horn of Africa "are on the brink of starvation" because of severe drought and war. Somalia, Kenya, Djibouti and Ethiopia need food aid, water, new livestock and seeds. This is a major hunger crisis in development.

Poverty in Afghanistan, made worse by drought, has contributed greatly to their hunger problem.

The recent earthquake coupled with a severe winter have produced starvation conditions. Recently, mud slides have hampered relief efforts.

North Korea:
Food insecurity caused by the countries economic problems, is compounded by unpredictable and severe weather conditions. To date, the North Korean government has failed in its duty to provide for it's starving people. The North Korean government has actually refused foreign aid.

A 40 year civil conflict and the illegal drug trade have caused mass displacement and poverty.

Democratic Republic of Congo:
3.4 million people have been internally displaced as a result of a continuing internal conflict.

They are struggling to cope with the devastating impact of a recent drought.

Southern Africa:
Erratic weather, lack of seed and fertilizer, chronic poverty, and AIDS have been contributing factors to starvation.

These are the areas of the world which are currently suffering the highest levels of malnutrition and hunger. With this understanding of where relief efforts are needed, we must address the question of individual response. Are individuals of developed countries donating to relief efforts? Most morally conscious individuals donate to relief efforts when the problem is presented to them.

A major problem in the relief effort is the general population of developed countries not knowing about the current hunger crisis. News organizations, more specifically television news, are not giving enough attention to the global hunger situation. While an in depth discussion as to the reasons for this is outside the purview of this article, a few points can be made.

Evidently, the American TV news organizations, do not think world hunger is much of a story since starvation is a daily occurrence. I suspect, from the perspective of these news organizations, that 24,000 people per day dying from hunger is not a big enough news story. When 1,386 people died from hurricane Katrina, the news coverage was enormous. Five months after hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, TV news organizations were still squeezing all they could out of this story. Granted this was an obvious tragedy, but an even bigger tragedy, much bigger, is going on in Africa and the general public does not even know about it.

I have seen little to almost no coverage given by American TV news organizations on the devastating hunger crisis in the Horn of Africa. I have only learned of this crisis through RSS feeds on the Internet. Television news organizations such as CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC are thus far not reporting on this crisis. Hopefully this will change.

It is evident that the American TV news organizations do not really provide total and complete news, rather they screen the events and only provide what they feel may be interesting to their audience. News organizations should present the news and concomitantly maintain high journalistic standards. Maybe these news organizations need to incorporate a higher level of moral obligation into their decision making process, when deciding which stories to cover. In any case, people can not donate if they do not know the problem exists.

We have addressed some key questions in order to characterize the current status of the world hunger situation. We have examined where hunger is the most prevalent in the world today, and we have identified some of the causative factors which contribute to malnutrition, hunger, and starvation. We have concluded that most morally conscious individuals would contribute to the elimination of hunger, if they knew about the crisis. Finally, we have observed that the degree of world hunger coverage by TV news organizations is very much lacking.

Even though TV news organizations have not been covering the current world hunger crisis, by reading this article, you have developed an understanding of the degree to which starvation is prevalent in the world today. If you are reading this in a developed country, which is highly likely since you are reading it on a computer which has Internet access, you have a moral obligation to donate either time or money to help in the elimination of unseen suffering. Winston Churchill once said "we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." We must all do our part to eliminate world hunger.

Stay Strong You Can Make It

in Motivation

What is your deepest fear? I have heard the poem that asks this question in recent movies and it has touched me on a deep level. I watched the movie Akeelah and the Bee over this past week while watching cable and this poem was quoted. So many of us try and do what is simple and take the path of least resistance because it suits us. This journey of life is filled with many obstacles and road blocks. It is intended to be that way in order to make you into the exact you you are to be. Most people miss the opportunity to grow and give up and give in to pressure.

A few years ago I preached a sermon at my fathers church in Mechanicsville, VA and I dealt with pressure. I said to the congregation that a diamond is one of the most valuable things that we have. It comes from a piece of coal. Well how is a diamond formed? It is formed by pressure. Every piece of coal does not become a diamond. Only the ones that stand up under pressure are able to be formed into this valuable stone. You need to be a diamond. Most people look externally to the reasons why they fail in life. In order for you to be just what God intends for you to be, you must stand against the pressure of life and come out on the other end as a diamond.

The first line of that poem starts like this, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure, it is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us, ..." When we are young, we have dreams and goals that are lofty. I say lofty because most people do not even believe that you will go after what you want. Let's face it, most people just wind up settling for what life throws at them instead of going out and getting what is rightfully theirs to begin with.

You have a right, more than that a promise from God himself that you will be able to have peace, joy, and prosperity. We have these promises from our creator and we do not take full advantage of them. Why? Because when times get hard, most give up. You can not be a blessing to me if you do not do what God called you to do. You can not be a blessing to the world unless you stand the pressure and become a diamond.

In part my success is dependent on you playing your part in the world. If Martin or Malcolm did not stand up, I would not be where I am today. If Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, and other black leaders did not risk death, my freedom may have never come. If you do not do what you were created to do, who will you hold back? The bible says that wide is the way that leads to destruction. The path to Him is called strait (not straight). This word means hard or difficult. This path builds character. This path builds leaders. Stop looking at challenges as give up points. Look at them as the way to create something precious in you.

You have everything you need inside of you to be a great person. Never give up because of circumstances. You can not grow with out some struggle.

Learning Spanish - Discover An Efficient Way To Learn Spanish

in Language

The Internet is the best way to learn Spanish. People all over the world are taking advantage of learning different languages, continuing their education and various other ways of improving themselves using the Internet. Using the Internet to learn Spanish is very easy. There are many online courses where you can learn the basics of Spanish.

If you would like to it up learn quickly then pursuing it online is the best way. You can choose from a variety of online courses and download all the course material and burn it on to a CD then play the CD whenever you have the time to study the new language. When learning Spanish this way it's interactive and you will be able to track your progress everyday.

Facts About Spanish

Did you know that almost 415 million people around the world speak Spanish? This is an astonishing number to imagine. In the United States alone, there are about 28 million people that speak Spanish in their home. There are about 47 million people in the United States that speak another language other than English at home. This means that over half of the foreign languages spoken at home in America is Spanish! It is clearly spoken by more people than all of the other languages combined inside the United States.

Why Would Learning Spanish Benefit You?

There are numerous reasons why learning Spanish would benefit you. They would benefit you because: you may want to get a better paying job, you may need extra learning to get a better grade in school, or you might be interested in visiting a Spanish speaking country. Regardless of the reason Spanish is becoming more and more prevalent in the world.

If you don't want to buy an online course then go to an online bookstore and purchase books, dvds or even audio cd's which is also one of the best ways to pick it up.

If you do decide that learning online is the best way for you to pick up the new language then make sure the online course has a money back guarantee and choose a course that will allow a trial period to make sure this is the best way for you to learn Spanish. Most of the time the only way you can tell if an online course is going to suit your needs is by trying it first.

No matter which way you decide to learn Spanish you need to make sure you have the time set aside where you can practice your Spanish. You need to have a lot of persistence and determination to learn Spanish thoroughly. Practice is the most important factor when learning any new language. In addition try to have conversations in Spanish and use your skills as much as you can. Buy books that are written in the language to see how well you are learning. If you have a problem with any word or phrase, you can always refer to your Spanish course material. Eventually you will start to think in in the new language. Then you will know for sure that you are making significant progress in learning spanish.


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Give Potential Customers A Preview With Autoresponders

n Internet Marketing

Building customer interest and excitement is the first step to successfully marketing many products. Autoresponders play a vital role in building this interest and excitement. For instance, if you were developing an ebook, you may want to start telling your website visitors and opt-in subscribers about it. Start building interest; tell them what this product will do for them, and how soon it will be available.

Do more than build interest by telling them about it. Use an autoresponder to let them preview your product! Even though you will be selling the product, you can allow your potential customers to preview the information. Have you ever seen previews for movies that will be playing intheaters soon? It is the same concept.

Load one chapter of the ebook into an autoresponder, and put a form on your website where your visitors can enter their name and email address to receive the preview chapter free of charge. This gets their name on your list of potential customer. Each week, send a reminder email, letting them know how close the release date is, and what they can expect from your product – keep building interest and excitement.

Finally, a couple of days before you are ready to launch your product offer those that received the preview the option to buy a pre-release copy. You canopt to offer a discounted price, or leave the price as it will be on launch day – the choice is yours.

Take a look at the list of people who signed up to receive the preview. How many of them are still 'subscribed' to that list? They've had the option to stop receiving notices about your product, but they chose to keep receiving the information you were sending. These are highly targeted prospects for our product. They have already shown you that they have an interest in your product, and a large number of those people are simply waiting on the autoresponder broadcast message that will let them know that it is time to pick up their copy of your product!

Isn't automation a wonderful thing? Using an autoresponder, you are able to see how much of a market there is for your product, and build a great deal of interest in it before it is ever released. This isthe key to making sales on launch day. Use autoresponders to build the interest. Get your prospects excited about what is about to come – andon launch day, give them what they are waiting for andwatch the sales pour in!